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A three-section pole to get you out on the trail in comfort, the Trail Sport trekking pole offers reliable support...
Moulded chalk cube from Ocún...
This DEET free insect repellent contains the active ingredient Saltidin® which is proven to repel mosquitoes, midges, horseflies, sand flies...
If you have a tick, you'll want to remove it as promptly as possible and remove all parts of its body...
A new hot forged version of this bestselling mountain tool hits the shelf from the end of this month adding to it's usefulness.
A decked-out kids' harness built for up-and-coming rock monkeys, the Kids' Black Diamond Momentum packs...
A six pack of our Black Diamond MiniWire Quickdraw, our lightest in the line. Ideal for trimming ounces on all-day gear routes and marathon sport pitches...